The Saltby Open Glider Aerobatics Meeting - 2008

CD's Report
"Bother" said Pooh, "it's Raining".
"That," commented Eeyore gloomily, "is a masterpiece of under statement. It is, to be more precise, coming down faster than a no-frills 737 with a pressurization problem. The precipitation is most persistent; it is, to use the vernacular, pissing down".
"Thank you for your valuable contribution Eeyore" said Pooh, with heavy sarcasm. "Don't mention it" replied Eeyore". Hardly anybody ever does so I don't expect it any more".
"Expect what?" asked Pooh, who had been distracted by a glider bobbing about in a large pool of brown water just outside the Saltby Clubhouse.
"That is exactly what I mean" mumbled Eeyore, "No one listens, nobody cares!" and he stumped out into the rain.
A moist Piglet arrived. What was left of the colour in his striped T shirt, which he had worn every day for some 70 years, had drained from the garment and it was now a grubby cross between mould and dry rot.
"Very Smart" cried Tigger, who wasn't supposed to be in this piece at all, but evidently had let himself in with a spare key. "When do we fly? Can I get a launch?"
"You'll be lucky" said Eeyore. "The Contest Director and the Chief Judge have just taken the last one. They were last seen sailing in the direction of Grantham ....".
From CD Sam Mummery, with apologies to A.A.M.
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