Return to Flying

Created on the

Update 20th May 2020

Useful tips on keeping your aircraft properly sanitised.  and some more guidance from the CAA (CAP1925) with some sensible advice on what will be required to return to dual flying when the social distancing guidelines are relaxed: 

Original Post

You should by now be aware that solo flight or flight with household members is currently permitted. Please see the guidance from the DfT: 

With the poor winter weather and Stay at Home advice many will not have flown for a while. Extended breaks from flying do contribute to accidents and incidents, so do prepare properly and don't push your limits until you are ready. Have a look at the advice below from GASCo and the CAA's own checklist.

GASCo online update - 

CAA checklist - 

We will be reviewing our July activity plans next week so please keep an eye on the previous news item and this website for the latest news on contests and events. 

Fly Safe and Stay Safe !