Sequences for 2024

We're moving to Fixed Sequences for 2024

The Management Team and Directors have discussed the structure of sequences that should be flown in contests in 2024.  As a result we plan to use Fixed sequences and not Free sequences for Known and Unknown programmes at UK competitions.  This means that all pilots at a particular level will fly the required sequence with the figures in the same order. Figures and K factors for Known programs will align with CIVA specifications where relevant.  

There are many reasons why we feel it is better to use Fixed sequences.  The most important reasons driving this change are a desire to improve the quality of judging and to give pilots better feedback after each flight.  Judging is easier and more consistent when sequence structure is the same across all pilots.  Judges can learn the sequence which enables them to provide more consistent figure marks and to provide better explanation for marks awarded.  

Other benefits of using fixed sequences include: 

  • easier to compare videos across flights
  • simpler contest admin
  • better coaching feedback
  • improved safety  

Known sequences for Advanced and Unlimited for 2024 have been designed by Patrick Paris and have been test flown by Tom.  We are confident they are well designed sequences.  Sequences for other levels will be designed by the management team in the usual way.  Known sequences for 2024 are available to download on the website and attached to this email.

Unknown sequences will either be designed by appropriately qualified people nominated by the Management Team ahead of a contest or will be designed using figures selected by pilots at a contest.  Pilot selected figures will be used to design a fixed sequence which will be flown by all pilots.   

This will mostly affect those flying or officiating at Advanced or Unlimited level. This decision means UK competitions will be run differently to Internationals, but we feel this change will be a benefit to all pilots.

Download the 2024 sequences below:


Programme VSD SEQ PDF
Known -
Known -
Known -
Known -
Known -


Programme VSD SEQ PDF
Known-2 - -
Known - -
Known-2 - -
Known -
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